PPPAmericas2017 session on urban mobility


Confirmed that K-Infra will participate in the urban mobility session panel in this year´s PPPAmericas edition: PPPAmericas2017, with CEO Andrés Rebollo acting as a moderator of a panel consisting of Abedrapo, Eduardo – Ministerio de Obras Publicas (CHILE), Bruginski, Tomas – Companhia Paulista de Parcerias – CPP (BRAZIL) and Puentes, Robert – Eno Center for Transportation (US).

We will discuss about how PPPs and other type of partnerships can help to improve urban mobility and which conditions are required for a valuable and productive use of PPPs in this area, amongst other topics and ideas, in addition to learning about urban mobility solutions and real experience about urban transport/urban mobility PPPs in countries and regions as US, Brazil, Chile or Europe.

Don’t miss this and other discussion and learn more about the PPPAmericas2017 at http://www.fomin-events.com/pppamericas/2017/web/


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