Second PPP Talk of the Inter-American Development Bank in preparation for the PPP Americas 2023

Thursday 2 March, 9-11 EST: Second PPP Talk of the Inter-American Development Bank in preparation for the PPP Americas 2023.

Find out how Public-Private Partnerships can help strengthen logistics infrastructure and create jobs (broadcasted with simultaneous interpretation into English, Spanish and Portuguese.)

At the end of the session there will be a raffle to take a Foundation #CP3P  course with K-Infra.



#ppp #app #infraestructuras #infrastructures #latam #lac #PublicPrivatePartnerships #infrastructures #PPPBestPractices #Infrastructure

 #ProjectFinance #PrivateSectorEngagement #PPPExperts #PPPtalks #PrivateInvestment #CapacityBuilding #PPPInsights

 #PPPLearning #pppacademy #CP3P #africa #PPP #expertcourses #TrainingAndCertification #ProfessionalDevelopment

 #CP3PCertified #PublicPrivatePartnerships #infrastructures #PPPBestPractices #Infrastructure #ProjectFinance #PrivateSectorEngagement 

#PPPExperts #PPPTraining #PrivateInvestment #InstitutionalCapacityBuilding #PPPInsights #PPPLearning #pppacademy


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